
Night Riding

We go night riding well try to alot. We go with a bunch of our friends. It is so much fun we leave like at 8:00 p.m. and dont get done untill 12:00. It is nice and cool out, that is why we go at night. Ours is the Green Buggy and our friends is the Yellow one he is the one that sold us the green one. We love it and have so much fun in it. If they were not so dang expensive we would love to get a 5 seater for the family to go cause they are really safe at least you feel like it is. I really can't remember the last time Nick took his bike out cause he is always wanting to take out the buggy. I don't worry so much when he goes out in the buggy as much as I do the bike cause I really would not like for him to wreak again.


Lexie's first birthday cake

Lexie really likes Care Bears but I could not find any where that sold it so we got My little ponies.

Their Cake

Here is their birthday cake that I was so weiried about not having enough but not everyone ate cake so there was some left over.

Just the rest of the stuff for the party

The little table was the food table and the soda holder is in front of it. It was really nice to have it at their house cause they have a hug back year and it is not like a park where you have to worry about your kids getting taken by someone else.

Kaitlyn's present from Sheree

Kaitlyn could not wait to get home to play dress up.

Kayd present from Sheree

Kayd loves this and everyone else thought it was so cool.

Popcorn Machine

This is the popcorn machine we had at the party.

More posters

The posters that you see in the back ground I did pin the web on spider man and pin the wand on Tinkerbell


Here is another table that we decorated.

Cake table

This was their cake table. We put so much time in decorating. I printed off all the posters.

This is the kids new slide

Grandma and papa Schouten bought this for them for their birthday party and they love it. Their party was a hit we had this and more pictures on the way

Kayd opening his present from us wow he is 4

We let Kayd open his right before his party at Grandma and papa Schouten's house cause that is where their party was. He finally got action figures.

Kaitlyn on her birthday

I still can not believe I have a 5 year old. Where has time gone? She loves this toy and wanted it so bad. This was on her actually birthday I knew they would get to many presents at their party so I just had them open the ones from us earlier plus her party was going to be 2 day later

It is her party she can cry if she wants to

Lexie was so tiered she almost fell alsleep before opening presents we had to keep her awake. she was crying the whole time opening presents untill she opened this one.

Lexie on her new birthday toy!

Lexie got this for her birthday and she loves it . I remember seeing it at Daniels house and thought it was so cool so we got it for Lexie.

Lexie on her new power wheel.

This power wheel is cool cause it has a big red button on the steering wheel so that the little ones cause ride and she does it so good just does not know how to steer.

Lexie Finaly ONE

This is Lexie going away at her cake on her first birthday. She was unsure at first then Nick had to put her hand in the cake once she knew it was ok she went at it.


They just loved this place!

Kayd and Kaitlyn at the splash pad.

Kayd and Kaitlyn both went down the slide they had so much fun at the Rec center.

Kaitlyn and Kayd just having so much fun on the 4th of July

Here is us girls Kaitlyn, Lexie and I all were watching the fire works.

Lexie was worried about her dad getting hurt when he was lighting the fire works she kepts saying Dou like she was trying to say don't she was started to crawl to her dad crying

Konner just loves the girls

Halye loved Lexie so much so did not want Lexie to leave her side.

So the boys wanted their hair done too. Kaitlyn and Kayd love to hang out with their cousins.

These girls are silly! Sheree decided to color the girls hair they had so much fun!


Kayd just waking up! Most mornings he does really good he wakes up and gets dressed really quick. He likes to pick out his clothes though. Him and Kaitlyn get their own cereal too. They are so big. Considering we wake up at 6:30 in the morning to get ready so we can be out the door by 7:20.

Kaitlyn she is always wanting to do her hair. She is getting to be to independant and Lexie is trying to be like her sister she followed Kaitlyn in there.

Lexie man she is getting so big, I can't believe she is 9 months. She is getting to big for us all. She is not walking yet but we hope cause she walks around things.

The kids are like fishes they would live in the water if they could. They all love it. Plus Nicky dad has to always buy new toys for the pool cause he loves it too.

Nick loved this. That is a fish he caught that was our biggest for the day. It was a fairly good size. We had allot of fun.

This was our fishing trip and man it looks sunny but that is jus teh glare

from the camara. It was cold that day and Lexie hated to be in her life jacket so she cried for the first 45 minutes of it and then fell asleep for 4 hours then when she woke up we left. We got good fishes though and we kept catching them too.

Lexie is getting so big and has a great personality she is gibbering and so fun. She loves her brother and sister and they love her.

Kayd he is almost 4 man that is so wierd for me. He is very loving but lately been clingy. He has an attitude and throws his fits he follows Kaitlyn but we have been trying to change that. He is always wanting to help out though and he does really good.

Kaitlyn at her dance recital. She is getting to be really big now and man she has a personality.
She can be really helpfull but she has her fit times too.




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Check out my Slide Show!


Check out my Slide Show!

Check out my Slide Show!


Our New toy!!

The kids love it well so do we. When Kayd first saw it he said I am going to grew big so I can drive this.


4 Cousins.

When we went to Pine Valley to go sledding. The kids loved it and had so much fun. Kayd was done he was cold and wanted to go inside cause it was at the end of a playfull day.

Botherly Love

Kayd loves to help and he loves his sister. He is always trying to make her laugh or smile.