
Lexie's first birthday cake

Lexie really likes Care Bears but I could not find any where that sold it so we got My little ponies.

Their Cake

Here is their birthday cake that I was so weiried about not having enough but not everyone ate cake so there was some left over.

Just the rest of the stuff for the party

The little table was the food table and the soda holder is in front of it. It was really nice to have it at their house cause they have a hug back year and it is not like a park where you have to worry about your kids getting taken by someone else.

Kaitlyn's present from Sheree

Kaitlyn could not wait to get home to play dress up.

Kayd present from Sheree

Kayd loves this and everyone else thought it was so cool.

Popcorn Machine

This is the popcorn machine we had at the party.

More posters

The posters that you see in the back ground I did pin the web on spider man and pin the wand on Tinkerbell


Here is another table that we decorated.

Cake table

This was their cake table. We put so much time in decorating. I printed off all the posters.

This is the kids new slide

Grandma and papa Schouten bought this for them for their birthday party and they love it. Their party was a hit we had this and more pictures on the way

Kayd opening his present from us wow he is 4

We let Kayd open his right before his party at Grandma and papa Schouten's house cause that is where their party was. He finally got action figures.

Kaitlyn on her birthday

I still can not believe I have a 5 year old. Where has time gone? She loves this toy and wanted it so bad. This was on her actually birthday I knew they would get to many presents at their party so I just had them open the ones from us earlier plus her party was going to be 2 day later

It is her party she can cry if she wants to

Lexie was so tiered she almost fell alsleep before opening presents we had to keep her awake. she was crying the whole time opening presents untill she opened this one.

Lexie on her new birthday toy!

Lexie got this for her birthday and she loves it . I remember seeing it at Daniels house and thought it was so cool so we got it for Lexie.

Lexie on her new power wheel.

This power wheel is cool cause it has a big red button on the steering wheel so that the little ones cause ride and she does it so good just does not know how to steer.

Lexie Finaly ONE

This is Lexie going away at her cake on her first birthday. She was unsure at first then Nick had to put her hand in the cake once she knew it was ok she went at it.